The Skin Classic an affordable non-laser treatment for minor skin irregularities such as telangiectasis (broken capillaries), cherry angiomas (red moles), keratosis, fibromas, skin tags, hyperpigmentation (sun spots), milia, sebaceous hyperplasia and acne pimples.
Sebaceous Hyperplasia: A common, benign condition of sebaceous glands in adults of middle age or older. Irregularities can be single or multiple and manifest as yellowish, soft, small papules on the face (particularly nose, cheeks,and forehead). Legions of sebaceous hyperplasia are benign, with no known potential for malignant transformation.
Telangiectasis (broken capillaries) a condition characterized by dilation of the capillaries, which causes them to appear as small red or purple clusters, often spidery in appearance, on the skin or the surface of an organ.
Milia, Clogged Pores, Blackheads: A common skin irregularity that affects 85-100% of people at some time during their lives. It is characterized by noninflammatory follicular papules or comedones and by inflammatory papules, pustules, and nodules in its more severe forms. Acne vulgaris affects the areas of skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles; these areas include the face, the upper part of the chest and the back.
Skin Tags: Are small portions of skin that appear to be attached to or protrude from normal skin and are a common benign condition of the skin. Usually just a few millimeters in diameter, skin tags vary in appearance. Some are the same color as surrounding skin while others are hyperpigmented. In most cases, they are attached to the underlying skin by a small band of tissue called stalk or peduncle. Skin tags can occur almost anywhere there is skin. Areas for tags are the eyelids, neck, arm pits, upper chest (particularly under the female breasts), and groin folds. Tags are typically thought to occur in characteristic locations where skin rubs against skin or clothing.
Seborrheic Keratosis: Is a minor skin irregularity of unknown origin. It commonly appears after age 40. These irregularities appear as wart-like growths in a variety of colors. They may appear in large numbers on the surface of the body. They are usually painless and benign, but may become irritated and itch. They may be cosmetically disfiguring and psychologically distressing as a result. They are typically located on the face, chest, shoulders, back or other areas. They may be slightly elevated or flat. A waxy or wart like appearance is noted with a pasted on appearance. They may be yellow, brown, black or flesh colored.
Cherry angiomas, also known as Campbell De Morgan spots or senile angiomas, are cherry red papules on the skin. They are a harmless (benign) tumor, containing an abnormal proliferation of blood vessels, and have no relationship to cancer.
Treatment Costs Effective
Small Treatment $30 per imperfection
If you have multiple imperfections then upon consultation, a bundled price of $100 to $300 will be given in order to clear your imperfections.
For a bundled service, I would love to see you back in the studio 4 to 6 weeks later to view your progress. If any imperfections need a 2nd treatment, they can be treated for a flat fee of $25.